Ken Szulczyk's Novels

The Arduous Path to Enlightenment
As human beings, we often ponder upon our existence on this earth and ask ourselves why we are here. We search for answers through various religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. They share a common theme where God wants us to use all our talents and become closer to Him. We examine methods like fasting, meditation, lucid dreaming, sensory deprivation, and mind-altering drugs such as psychedelics and marijuana to explore our minds and awaken our spirituality. We delve into the deep depths of our minds and psyches to gain greater awareness and uncover hidden aspects of ourselves. Through this journey, we discover our true selves and purpose in life while traversing the path to enlightenment.
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My Journey into the World of Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting is a journey with many twists and turns. Perhaps we are not exploring ancient stone ruins in the jungles of Cambodia, or savoring the exotic flavors of spicy Thai cuisine from the food carts on the streets of Bangkok. However, fasting is a journey to a healthier body. So, I take readers on the journey with me as we explore all aspects of fasting. I teach the reader everything I know about fasting and summarize everything I have read into an easy to follow book. I also give readers 50 tips on fasting, exercise, and nutrition that help them improve their health. Thus, I hope my book can help readers discover the power of intermittent fasting and unlock the doors to a healthy, long life.
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The Rise of the Insane State
Each day when Americans awaken, our laws, rules, and regulations grow and become more complex. Thus, each passing the day, the government becomes bigger and more monstrous. Unfortunately, taxes and incarceration rates rise along with the government’s expansion. However, government cannot continually grow at the expense of the economy. A capitalistic country reaches a breaking point, when the economy starts to break down and stagnates. Then a stagnating economy becomes a dangerous time because government claims that capitalism had failed, and it must take over large sections of the economy, fueling and accelerating the stagnation.
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The Economics of Government
We examine the economics of government in this textbook. Consequently, we dedicate every chapter to one aspect of government, and its interference with an economy. Students can use this textbook for a first course in public economics or as a supplement to an introductory microeconomics or macroeconomics course. Furthermore, readers can use this textbook as a reference guide for people who want a comprehensive book on the economics of government without majoring in economics. The inspiration for this textbook came from a famous quote by Thomas Jefferson, one of the founding fathers of the United States. He stated, “Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government.” For example, communism failed economically in Russia because the Soviet government controlled every aspect of its markets and economy. On the other hand, the communists control a flourishing China because the Chinese government embraced the ideas of free markets and unleashed the entrepreneurial spirit and drive of the Chinese people. Thus, the Soviet economy stagnated, while China continues thriving and prospering. The political system itself is not important but the relationship between government and its society. We study this relationship comprehensively in this textbook.
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Money, Banking, and International Finance
I taught Money & Banking and International Finance several times, and I converted my lecture notes into a textbook. Consequently, instructors can use this textbook for courses in Money & Banking, or International Finance or some hybrid in between them. Furthermore, financial analysts and economists could refer to this book as a study guide because this book contains concise information, and all facts and analysis are straight to the point, explaining how governments and central banks influence the exchange rates, the interest rates, and currency flows. The Financial Crisis severely impacted the world’s financial markets that are still felt in 2013. I included many examples from the 2008 Financial Crisis, when many U.S. banks and financial institutions teetered on bankruptcy. Unfortunately, the financial crisis has not ended, and it might continue affecting the world’s economies and financial markets for some time.
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