Final Examination
Introduction to Information Technology

These short answer questions are from the exam bank. These questions reflect the style of the professor.


Topic 10 - Microsoft Office 2007 - PowerPoint


Note - On the exam, you need to have your name in the PowerPoint file name.

1. You goal is to violate all PowerPoint etiquette. You are allowed to be as creative as possible.

2. Change the background of the PowerPoint. You may create your own background using you own picture, colors, gradients, and styles.

3. Add a slide transition to every slide with a sound effect. You may have the same transition and sound for all slides or you can mix and match different transitions and sounds.

4. You need at least five slides: Title slide, Contents slide, and at least three information slides

5. You must include at least on picture on an information slide. Make sure you have a two content slide with text on one side and picture on other slide.

6. On the title page, include music.


Topic 10 - Presentation Etiquette


1. What kind of color scheme should you use for creating a PowerPoint presentation?

A. Use different color schemes for every slide; distracting the audience helps them pay attention
B. Use the same color scheme for every slide; try not to distract the audience
C. Use different color schemes varying light color fonts and light color backgrounds
D. Use different color schemes but keep fonts a light color and vary the background color

2. What kind a font should you choose for your PowerPoint presentation?

A. Choose an easy to read font, like Times Roman
B. Vary fonts between easy to read and fancy, keeping the audience excited
C. Choose a fancy, cursive font
D. Choose a fancy, cursive font for titles and an easy to read font for text

3. Which fonts are considered bad fonts for PowerPoint presentations?

A. CHARLESWORTH (a capitalized, fancy font)
B. Courier New (a legal font)
C. Mono Type Corsiva (a cursive font)
D. All fonts above are bad

4. What is the rule for capitalizing all letters in a word or a sentence for PowerPoint presentations?

A. Capitalize all letters; helps the audience stay awake
B. Never capitalize all letters in a word
C. Capitalize letters in a word to emphasize that word or capitalize acronyms
D. Capitalize every other letter in a word; makes word easy to read

5. What is the rule for font size in PowerPoint presentations?

A. Font size is large enough for audience to read text
B. Font size is small, providing space for large amount of text
C. The subject of the presentation dictates the font size
D. There is no rule for text sizes in PowerPoint presentations

6. What is the rule about the amount of text on a PowerPoint slide?

A. The more text on a slide, the more intelligent the presentation appears
B. Each slide should have from two to six sentences (or bullets)
C. Each slide should have a large paragraph with 10 or more sentences
D. There is no rule for the amount of text on a slide

7. What is a good color scheme for a PowerPoint presentation?

A. Light font with a dark background, or a dark font with a bright background
B. Light font with a light background, or a dark font with a dark background
C. Light font with a light background, or a dark font with a bright background
D. Light font with a dark background, or a dark font with a dark background

8. What is the rule about animation on a PowerPoint presentation?

A. Keep animation consistent
B. Use animation to hide text until needed
C. Excessive animation is annoying to the audience
D. All answers above are acceptable for animation

9. What is the rule for adding pictures and graphs to a PowerPoint presentation?

A. Never add pictures or graphs; they annoy the audience
B. Only add a picture to the first slide or introduction slide
C. Add pictures and/or graphs if they enhance the presentation
D. Add as many pictures as possible; audiences love pictures

10. What is the rule for adding graphs to a PowerPoint presentation?

A. Keep graph simple and define all units used in graph
B. Never add graphs to a presentation
C. Add as many graphs to a presentation
D. All answers above are correct for a presentation

11. What is the rule for adding advance mathematics to a PowerPoint presentation?

A. The more mathematics, the more intelligent the presentation
B. If advance mathematics is needed for the presentation, give the audience handouts
C. Never place mathematical equations on a presentation
D. All answers above are correct for a presentation

12. What is the rule for adding advance mathematics to a PowerPoint presentation?

A. Audience is not likely to remember long equations
B. Define all variables used in the equations
C. Do not include equations that does not strengthen or enhance the presentation
D. All answers above are correct

13. What is the proper format for a PowerPoint presentation

A. Use full, long sentences in text
B. Write long, continuous paragraphs
C. Presentation should be an outline of the key ideas and concepts
D. Remove the verbs from the sentences; helps save space on a slide

14. How does PowerPoint check for spelling?

A. PowerPoint cannot check the spelling
B. PowerPoint automatically corrects mis-spelled words
C. PowerPoint underlines the word in green
D. PowerPoint underlines the word in red

15. How should you read your PowerPoint presentation to the audience?

A. Look at your audience and read your presentation
B. Hide behind the computer and read your presentation
C. Mechanically read your presentation to the audience
D. All answers above are the correct method for reading your presentation

16. What should be the title of your last slide in the PowerPoint presentation?

A. The introduction
B. The conclusion
C. The outline of the presentation
D. A professional picture of the person reading the presentation


Topic 11 - Website Etiquette


1. What does WYSIWYG stand for?

2. How do most websites earn their money?

3. What is the rule for the amount of advertising on a webpage?

4. What is the rule for animation and sound?

5. What is the rule for background images for a webpage?

6. What is the rule of using Flash on a website?

7. Do the copyright rules apply for a website?  Please explain.

8. Should your website load pictures from another website?  What is the danger?

9. What is the rule for hyperlinks?

10. What is the rule for menu bars?

11. What is a spambot?