Tip: You can add diced cheese, diced ham, peas, diced green peppers, or other sweet vegetables.
Tip: You could substitute marinated cucumbers for celery. Just slice young, small cucumbers, and let them marinate in water with a teaspoon of salt and 1/8 cup of vinegar for a few hours. The cucumber slices retain their crispness and possess a little tartness.
Tip: You can mix and remove any vegetables. For example, Vietnamese add finely diced mint leaves and green beans to the salad.
Tip: This salad is unusual because the pickles, peas, and apple adds the right balance of sour and sweetness to the salad. Salt and pepper is not necessary.
Tip: You can add carrots to the salad. Just peel the carrots and boil in water with the potatoes. Then dice and add to the salad.
Tip: You can use fast pickles for pickles with a more crunch. Add sliced cucumbers in a brine of one tablespoon of salt with 1 part vinegar and 4 parts water. Cucumbers are ready in four hours after they loose half their size.